Absolutely brilliant album Strange System from Krakota is out today on Hospital Records and you really shouldn’t miss it. There are not many albums where almost every track is so good.

Packed with many flavors of DnB, Krakota shows his high versatility in DnB producing. You can find everything from melodic vocal stuff to deep basses and crackling synths. And everything is working together so well, production clarity and sound quality is awesome. My favorite older track Xylo can be found on the album as well. And the album cover is sick, you do you think… You can buy it as digital download and CD (including album mix) or on 2 vinyls.

Album release was supported yesterday by incredible Kratota’s performance on Hospital takeover on Let It Roll festival. I had a chance to be there and trust me, it was big!


It is hard to pick the best tracks from this album and you should really check the whole album. But probably my most favorite track is collaboration with London Electricity called Powder Coated. You will hardly find similar bass line and I’m pretty sure Tony was the one, who did it.


Turn of Fate is crazy party banger with heavy bass line and generally aggressive atmosphere. Turn you subwoofer up!


Opposite to the previous track, Colour the Past is a pure beauty featuring beautiful vocal of Karina Ramage and soothing piano and string.


Big up Krakota, keep it up!


  • Buy and listen here
  • Find Soundcloud album minimix here.
  • Find Youtube playlist here.
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